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How to use Manta Wallet in dApp

This doc mainly introduces the private-related content in Manta Wallet; some other content of Wallet Extension is similar to other Polkadot wallets, so this doc will not introduce too much.

Note: For private transactions, it is no longer necessary to import manta.js on the dApp side



There are two ways to use Manta Wallet.

  1. Using the NPM package of @talismn/connect-wallets, Manta Wallet has not been officially launched yet, and a PR cannot be submitted to the @talismn/connect project. Currently use manta-extension-connect instead.
import { getWallets } from 'manta-extension-connect'

const selectedWallet = getWallets().find((wallet) => wallet.extensionName === 'manta-wallet-js');
await selectedWallet.enable('dApp name');

const mantaWallet = selectedWallet?.extension;
const privateWallet = mantaWallet?.privateWallet;
  1. Use the privateWallet object injected in window
const injectedMantaWallet = window.injectedWeb3['manta-wallet-js'] as InjectedWeb3;
const mantaWallet = await injectedMantaWallet.enable('dApp name');

const privateWallet = mantaWallet?.privateWallet;

TypeScript type support​

Just import the interfaces.ts file, which will be published to npm later.

const privateWallet = privateWallet as InjectedPrivateWallet;

Get zkAddress​

const accounts = await mantaWallet.accounts.get();
if (!accounts || accounts.length <= 0) {
const { address as publicAddress, zkAddress } = accounts[0];

Subscribe to the State of the wallet​

Through State, you can know the internal state of the private wallet, and dApp can do corresponding processing according to the state value

const [walletState, setWalletState] = useState<PrivateWalletStateInfo | null>(null);
const unSub = privateWallet.subscribeWalletState(setWalletState);

// walletState will be like:
isWalletInitialized: false, // Whether the instance of mantaPay and mantaSBT has been initialized
isWalletAuthorized: false, // Whether the private wallet has been authorized and whether the auth_context has been injected
isWalletReady: false, // Whether the private wallet is ready and whether the ledger has been synchronized
isWalletBusy: false, // Is the wallet busy

Get token balance​

const assetId = '1'
const network = 'Calamari'
// Get the token balance in MantaPay
const balance = await privateWallet.getZkBalance({ network, assetId });
// balance will be like '100000000000'

const assetIds = ['1', '8', '9'];
// Get multiple Token Balance in MantaPay
const balanceList = await privateWallet.getMultiZkBalance({ network, assetIds });
// balance will be like ['100000000000', '0', '0']


const amount = '100';
const decimals = 12;

// sync wallet is required before build
await privateWallet.walletSync();

// build to private transaction
const txHexList = await privateWallet.toPrivateBuild({
amount: new BigNumber(10).pow(decimals).times(amount).toFixed(),
polkadotAddress: publicAddress,
// txHexList will be like: ['0xaaaab12332131']


const receiveZkAddress = 'gUhdkKjmbQHup8yEDjRs4kNWMWxfn18hC6ThQcFW6DW';

// build private transfer transaction
const txHexList = await privateWallet.privateTransferBuild({
amount: new BigNumber(10).pow(decimals).times(amount).toFixed(),
polkadotAddress: publicAddress,
toZkAddress: receiveZkAddress,


// build to public transaction
const txHexList = await privateWallet.toPublicBuild({
amount: new BigNumber(10).pow(decimals).times(amount).toFixed(),
polkadotAddress: publicAddress,

signAndSend transaction​

// signAndSend transaction
for (let i = 0; i < txHexList.length; i++) {
const tx = api.tx(txHexList[i]);
await tx?.signAndSend(publicAddress, () => {});

Get token balance​

// Get the token balance in MantaSBT
const balance = await privateWallet.getZkSbtBalance({ network, assetId });
// Get multiple Token Balance in MantaSBT
const balance = await privateWallet.getMultiZkSbtBalance({ network, assetIds });

build multiSBT posts​

const sbtInfoList = [
{ assetId: '1', amount: '1' },
{ assetId: '2', amount: '1' },
const { posts, transactionDatas } = await privateWallet.multiSbtPostBuild({ sbtInfoList, network });

get identity proof​

await privateWallet.getSbtIdentityProof({
virtualAsset: '{"identifier":{...}}',
polkadotAddress: publicAddress,